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Financial Advisor, GTA, Ontario, Canada
Investment, Insurance, Tax & Estate Planning

Friday, December 31, 2010

The New Economic Cycle

Hyperinflation is Coming! Weimar Republic of Germany - Obamaflation

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why Government is More Afraid of Debt than Depression

How to Turn $20,633 into $770,796

I do find it very likely to double and perhaps even tripling its current value, within the next two years. Nevertheless, if it can sustain its current growth rate (roughly doubling anually) for the nex 5 years you would have your 1,000 dollar silver. And if the economic state of affairs remains relatively unchanged, silver may continue to break price ceilings set by investors: but for now, I'll only maintain my position that silver looks like it is almost guaranteed to double within the year (2011) and perhaps even triple. Below are two projections based on this theory...
10 Year Front Loaded:
 (30*2=60), (30*3=90), (30*4=120), (30*5=150) (30*6=180)... (Ending period 10 at 300)
5 Year Doubling Annually:
(30*2=60), (60*2= 120), (120*2=240),(240*2=480), (480*2=960)

Financial Guru Jim Rogers covers Fed's Funny Money

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gold and Silver Prices Signal the Destruction of the Dollar.

A true revolution in the history of gold and silver

Marc Faber- Investing in Commodities is Wiser Than Saving Money

Informative video by Marc Faber explaining why people should invest in commodities like gold and silver bullion. Most investors can acquire silver bullion at below spot price

Thursday, December 23, 2010


John Williams - The US Government is Insolvent

With the US government reporting financials, it seemed important to turn to John Williams of ShadowStats for an honest breakdown.  
John had this to say, “For 2010, gross federal debt was 94% of GDP, and total federal obligations were 443% (official) or 529% (alternative) of GDP, depending on the number used.  The difference, though, is not material, as either ratio leaves the U.S. government insolvent over the long haul".

Buying Gold: Why Are The Chinese Gobbling Up Gold Like There Is No Tomorrow?

Why are the Chinese buying so much gold?  In 2010 it has been demand out of China that has been one of the primary factors for the dramatic rise in the price of gold.  Gold is up approximately 26 percent this year, and most analysts expect it to go even higher in 2011.  So is China buying gold at a breathtaking pace because they view it as a good investment, or are there other factors at work here?  Do the Chinese view gold as a hedge against inflation?  Is China seeking to get out of U.S. Treasuries?  Has gold simply become much more attractive than paper currencies such as the euro and the U.S. dollar?  Or could China be preparing for the coming financial collapse that so many economists see coming?  It is always difficult to tell exactly what China is up to, but one thing is for sure - they are buying gold like there is no tomorrow.

Nicole Foss on Canadian real estate: “We are in a massive bubble”

Ms. Foss writes under the name Stoneleigh over at The Automatic Earth (TAE). She and her writing partner have been chronicling and interpreting the on-going credit crunch as the most pressing aspect of our current multi-faceted predicament. The site integrates finance, energy, environment, psychology, population and real politics in order to explain why we find ourselves in a state of crisis and what we can do about it. Prior to the establishment of TAE, she was editor of The Oil Drum Canada, where she wrote on peak oil and finance.
Foss runs the Agri-Energy Producers’ Association of Ontario, where she has focused on farm-based biogas projects and grid connections for renewable energy. While living in the UK she was a Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, where she specialized in nuclear safety in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, and conducted research into electricity policy at the EU level.
Here is the full clip. Fast forward to 13:40 for the bit on real estate. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Investors Make Bets On When Life Insurance Policy Holders Will Die

A Cheery Holiday Message from Bankster: Death Eaters on Wall Street
Today a stunning expose on a publicly-traded company called Life Partners Holdings. Are you ready for this?
Life Partners creeps around asking the unemployed, the elderly and the sick (especially people with HIV/AIDS) to sell them their life insurance policies for cash. Then they bundle these policies into securities and sell them to vultures -- oh, I am sorry, “investors.” Then the “investors” sit around and wait for people to die -- the sooner the better for the purchasers of these death bonds. The future of this industry “looks bright,” chirps National Underwriters.

How much is the gold price going to rise?


Must watch !!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fed Treasury Holdings: $1,000,341,000,000 (in less than 24hrs from previous 991billion)

"It's time for the Fed "one trillion" hats- as of 2:00 pm Eastern, the Fed's Treasury holdings has surpassed $1 trillion. Add to this the well over $1 trillion in Mortgage backed securities and agency debt held by the Fed, and there is your perfectly quantified reason why the S&P has just hit a two year high, and why the Nasdaq bubble is alive (all the newly printed money is keeping the party going). Basically, with the Fed the de facto purchaser of all securities with a yield of under 4%, the entire definition of a risk-free rate has to be scrubbed. To be sure, risk-free will very quickly become risk-full when and if the Fed, in its attempts to succeed with central planning where so many have failed before, either finally loses control over rates, or far less probably, decides to remove some of these extra trillions in free liquidity. Until then, the banker party is on in full force. By the end of this month, the difference between the Fed and the second largest holder of US debt will have surpassed $100 billion... and continue climbing at a rate of about $30 billion per week. And it will not stop (till US probably becomes Weimar).

Will Julian Assange Make Brian Moynihan (Or Another Bank CEO) Resign?

Will Julian Assange Make Bank of America CEO, Brian Moynihan (Or Another Bank CEO) Resign?
According to an advance preview of an interview with Julian Assange by the Times of London's Alexi Mostrous, the Wikileaks founder has announced that he has "enough material to make bosses of a major US bank resign." While this can be merely the latest step in the chess game between Wikileaks and Bank of America, with the former assumed to hold destructive material on the other, with the latter escalating last Friday and blocking all of Wikileaks payments, it may potentially hold some insight into just what material Assange has on either Brian Moynihan, or some other bank executive. That said, the plan likely has worked, and the entire (at least financial) world will be tuned in to see just what details the Times releases tomorrow, although it is likely safe to assume that nobody's hopes are very high: after all, many wonder just what Assange is waiting for to release his latest docket of banking data. We can only hope our skpeticism has taken the best of us this time...

Fed Is Nickels Away From Breaking $1 Trillion In Treasury Holdings

Fed is Now Officially the Largest holder of US Debts. They have done it: The Greatest Ponzi scheme ever (Print Money & Buy your Own Bonds), monetization of US debts.
Inflation & maybe Hyperinflation is coming: Only Gold & Silver will be the saviour in hyperinflation.

Unmasking The Unintended Consequences Of US Central Planning

The plethora of unintended consequences that emerge as a result of the government's centrally planned tinkering.

  1. Cash for Clunkers was good for economy and the environment
  2. The inflation tax generated by government intervention
  3. Foreign oil dependence

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis

Recent Past & Predictions for Future (at 18.45)

Greenspan Admission about Bank Robbery & Fraud.

John Williams speaks in the coming Hyperinflation: Financial Sense

John Williams, editor of ShadowStats.com, a popular website that tracks real inflation figures, is advising that people hoard physical gold as well as food items in bulk so that they have some means with which to barter as the economic crisis turns ugly.
Three or four years into the future I think we could be in a hyperinflation, within the current year you are going to see much higher inflation than most people are looking at. Williams said that his definition of hyperinflation would be a situation in which a $100 dollar bill would become more functional as a piece of toilet paper than a store of value.
This is a time when you want to preserve your wealth and assets because inflation will knock the value out of it, he added, advising that people buy physical gold and assets other than the U.S. dollar. Then when the hyperinflation hits you'll see disruption of normal commerce, you wont have enough $100 dollar bills to buy what you want, said Williams, adding that items to barter with, such as a bottle of scotch, would be more valuable than actual cash, even in large quantities.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Last Decade Gold was the best performer - This Decade its going to be Silver

Friday, December 17, 2010

Housing Bubble Burst: Now What?

This is the first recession going back at least to the end of the first World War where government assistance has not trickled down to Main Street and ordinary Americans.?
Because the banks are keeping the money and not loaning it back out: So there is no mystery as to why assistance from the government isn't trickling down to Main Street. The banks are not "going to lend a nickel until the economy turns", and yet it is impossible for the economy to turn until the giant banks are broken up.

Economist "Jeff Nielson" on Bernanke, Lies & Mining Stocks: Part-1

Conversations with writer & economist Jeff Nielson: 
"This evil fraud and manipulation will soon end and the result may be rough on the US, but the quicker it starts the sooner it ends. Pray for our country when this event unfolds. A paper dollar from 1960 is worth exactly the same as a paper dollar in 2010, but 4 quarters from 1960 are worth more than $21. Given the fiscal insanity of the US Government, I can't imagine the US Dollar surviving another 50 yrs, but I'm quite sure that Silver will still be useful"

Economist "Jeff Nielson" on Bernanke, Lies & Mining Stocks: Part-2

Gold-dispensing ATM Debuts in South Fla.

Imagine being able to buy some gold just about anywhere. Now a mall in super luxury Boca Raton, Florida, is the first in the U.S. to have a gold dispensing machine. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lending Mania to Consumer lending Crisis to Fiat Currency Structure Failure

What The Silver Vigilantes Understand That You Probably Don’t

A paper dollar from 1960 is worth exactly the same as a paper dollar in 2010, but  four quarters from 1960 are worth more than $21.  Given the fiscal insanity of the US government, I can’t imagine the US dollar surviving another 50 years, but I’m quite sure that silver will still be useful.  Please consider getting some while you still can.

Facts on the Ground vs Government Reports - Retail Sales

The U.S. government this week reported a 0.8% rise in November retail sales, yet our country's largest electronics retailer Best Buy just reported third quarter same store sales down 3.3% from one year ago!
Are you trying to make sense out of U.S. government reported retail sales and other economic statistics? The U.S. government's economic reporting has now reached a whole new level of unreliability!
The truth is, U.S. retail sales are rising solely due to inflation (the bulk of it coming from rising food and energy prices). Although the government's latest CPI numbers indicated annual price inflation of only 1.14%, these numbers were manipulated lower using deceptive seasonal adjustments, along with hedonics and geometric weighting. in fact the real U.S. price inflation is already north of 5% and is headed substantially higher in the first half of 2011.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

David Stockman On Dylan Ratigan

Must Watch: Stockman Explains To Ratigan How In Thirty Years America Spent Enough Debt To LBO Itself, And Ended Up Bankrupt David Stockman On Dylan Ratigan

And the US unemployment situation:

Action video of Greece riots as fire bombs, stones fly in Athens

Similar incidents are expected to spread.... into other countries.

Nassim Taleb rips Ben Bernanke, the Fed and QE2

Nassim Taleb tears into Ben Bernanke's monetary policy, specifically the Federal Reserve's recently announced round of Quantitative Easing (QE2). Among other charges, Taleb claims Bernanke has a highly flawed understanding of risk.

How Do I Buy Gold and Silver?

I am hearing more and more questions about how to buy gold and silver: 

  • How do you buy it?
  • Why should I buy Gold & Silver?
  • What is the difference between numismatic & bullion coins?
  • Which of these should I buy?
  • Where can I buy Gold & Silver?

Including the following important questions:
  • Will the government confiscate my gold and silver?
  • Can the government make owning gold illegal?
  • How do I know if my gold and silver dealer is reputable?
  • Do buyers get some kind of confirmation that what they are buying from these shops is real and certified?

    Congressman Paul on CNBC with Maria

    Congressman Paul discusses his plans as the new chairman of the Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee: "The FED is a cartel who has the monopoly on money the constitution does not give them these powers says" Ron Paul

    Silver VS Gold

    Interesting details explained & for Silver go to 7.05 min.

    Tuesday, December 14, 2010

    David Morgan - It Is Time To BUY Gold & Silver!!!!!!

    According to Morgan, We are gradually on our way to a crisis. You need to buy your OWN gold and silver. Physical bullion is the only choice, not SLV or GLD, as they are derivatives on the bullion. They do not offer real protection.

    Inflation in China Hits a 28-Month High

    Bob Chapman: Gold supply to run out in 6 months, Price to explode!!

    It will be interesting to see when all the gold/silver share holders want exchange for the physical. 
    Word is they are selling paper contract & don't have enough physical to cover everyone.

    Gold & Silver, World will Never be the same

    This was first released in April 2010..
    Don't buy bullion ETFs! they are made of paper and the brokers have no bullion.

    Sunday, December 12, 2010

    What every investor ought to know

    Not Investment Rules but Investment Observations!

    1. There is no investment rule that always works.

    If there was one single rule, which always worked, everybody would in time follow it and, therefore, everybody would be rich. But the only constant in history is the shape of the wealth pyramid, with few rich people at the top and many poor at the bottom. Thus, even the best rules do change from time to time.

    2. Stocks always go up in the long term.

    This is a myth. Far more companies have failed than succeeded. Far more countries' stock markets went to zero than markets, which have survived. Just think of Russia in 1918, all the Eastern European stock markets after 1945, Shanghai after 1949, and Egypt in 1954.

    3. Real Estate always goes up in the long term.

    While it is true that real estate has a tendency to appreciate in the long run, partly because of population growth, there is a problem with ownership and property rights. Real estate in London was a good investment over the last 1000 years, but not for America's Red Indians, Mexico's Aztecs, Peru's Incas and people living in countries, which became communists in the 20th century. All these people lost their real estate and usually also their lives.

    4. Buy Low and Sell High.

    The problem with this rule is that we never know exactly what is low and what is high. Frequently what is low will go even lower and what is high will continue to rise.

    5. Buy a basket of high quality stocks and hold!

    Another highly dangerous rule! Today's leaders may not be tomorrow's leaders. Don't forget that Xerox, Polaroid, Memorex, Digital Equipment, Burroughs, Control Data were the leaders in 1973. Where are they today? Either out of business or their stocks far lower, than in 1973!

    6. Buy when there is blood on the street.

    It is true that very often, bad news provide an interesting entry point, at least as a trading opportunity, into a market. However, a better long term strategy may be to buy on bad news, which has been preceded by a long string bad news. When then the market no longer declines, there is a chance that the really worst has been fully discounted.

    7. Don't trust anyone!

    Everybody is out to sell you something. Corporate executives either lie knowingly or because they don't know the true state of their business and the entire investment community makes money on you buying or selling something.

    8. The best investments are frequently the ones you did not make!

    To make a really good investment, which will in time appreciate by 100 times or more, is like finding a needle in a haystack. Most "hot tips" and "must buy" or "great opportunities" turn out to be disasters. Thus, only take very few investment decisions, which you have carefully analyzed and thought about in terms of risk and potential reward.

    9. Invest where you have an edge!

    If you live in a small town you may know the local real estate market, but little about Cisco, Yahoo and Oracle. Stick with your investments in assets about which you may have a knowledge edge.

    10. Invest in Yourself!

    Today's society is obsessed with money. But the best investments for you may be in your own education, in the quality of the time you spend with the ones you love, on your own job, and on books, which will open new ideas to you and let you see things from many different perspectives.

    Most admired investor

    The investors I admire the most are Jesus Christ, Mohammed and Buddha. By not seeking material wealth, but by appealing to peoples' human instincts and needs, they inadvertendly created the only businesses, which have thrived and survived until today. In purely capitalistic terms, Francisco Pizarro was by far the most successful investor, since he captured Peru, which subsequently with its Potosi mine supplied most of the world's silver in the 16th century, with just 168 soldiers.

    Best Investment

    Stock markets in Korea and Taiwan in 1979, Philippines and Thailand in 1986, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru in 1988, Japanese Nikkei puts in 1989, staying out of Asia after 1994.

    Worst Investment

    Shorting US stocks too early. It was very painful in 1999 and early 2000.

    Saturday, December 11, 2010

    Why SILVER: Why Now?

    Massive fraud, universal deceit, blatant corruption. These are not days for the faint of heart. Physical silver can help you to financially prepare for what is yet to come. Wild fluctuations should be expected, yet the continued 'rocket rise' is essentially a correction upward, then momentum buying. Drops in price to long term bulls are merely consolidations and the base for the next and higher move up.
    Why buy now? Because you may be left behind. Silver is INDEED a remarkable "investment" if you consider the massive paper manipulation and fraud which is now in process of unwinding. Silver will only gain in value as the Dollar falls. I would call your attention to the price of silver over the last three months vs the Dollar.

    A Silver Shortage?

    With every investor large and small buying silver coins - that alone would push the price up. Unless the JPM/HSBC cartel have more derrivative shorts in the face of 5 class action law suits and a RICO bankster short-squeeze. Now JPM bought 1 billion of copper in London to cover their silver shorts? Money manager predicts the price of silver to skyrocket on industrial growth

    Silver Shortage: It's imminent, once the price goes up, we will see silver recycled from all the electronics that we use. Silver deposits in the ocean will be dug up to satisfy the consumption of silver that we use currently? China and India are witnessing an increase in standard of living.....that means more computers, TV's, etc. Thats an increase of consumption by 2-3 billion people. Not to mention that none of Silver is recycled like gold. again because of the price....

    Friday, December 10, 2010

    Money, Debt and the Banking system: Part 1

    Money, Debt and the Banking system: Part 2

    Money, Debt and the Banking system: Part 3

    Money, Debt and the Banking system: Part 4

    Money, Debt and the Banking system: Part 5

    "Some Questions To Consider" Ron Paul Defends WikiLeaks "Killing The Messenger For bad News"

    Marc Faber: Deficit to Remain High as Far as the Eye can See

    John Williams, Economists, Shadowstats talks about The "Great Hyperinflationary Collapse"

    John Williams, Economists, Shadowstats, saying "Eventually it is going to be a hyperinflationary great depression". The catalyst is well-known: "When you see panic selling of the US dollar, that's when you have to be really careful. But what's already been done with the dollar has spiked oil prices, and other commodity prices."

    Thursday, December 9, 2010

    The secret Wall Street bailout - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

    The US doled out $12.3 trillion dollars to finance bailouts, a figure far higher than what was previously stated.

    Gold Will Move $150 Higher Within 5 Weeks

    KWN source at London “A bunch of the weak hands are now on the short side of this market.  We are very close to a floor because of the massive Asian buying.  People have to remember these Asian buyers are now controlling the gold and silver markets, it is not the little guy.”
    It’s all about the bond auctions, the bond fell off a cliff.  In the derivatives market you’ve got JP Morgan playing the bond market at the behest of the Fed, going long 30 years versus selling short-term paper, in the trillions.  They buy trillions of dollars at a time of 30 year paper and then immediately hedge themselves by selling the 30, 60 and 90 day paper.  It’s how they keep interest rates down, it’s how you do it.  
    The only reason interest rates are not in double digits in the US is because of this game.  These guys are short front month paper.  If this (the bond market) actually fell much longer, JP Morgan could be wiped out, I mean they would be liquidated.  The Fed cannot allow them to do that.  We’re witnessing history here.
    Money flowing out of bonds is going into precious metals.  So what they are doing is trying to paint the tape and make it look like a double-top in gold, with silver also retreating.  Open interest went up into the decline, this is a gift (the decline).  Asian buyers are laughing, we’re like a cartoon to them.  They cannot believe how orchestrated this is.” 
    Where do you see a floor on Silver?
    "I think to go through $27 is virtually impossible, it would be suicide. I don't think it will even get there. They are getting very cheeky even taking it below $28. They are not going to push it below $27 because they would just lose too much physical. 
    All that's happening here is the Fed is freaking out because the bond market is collapsing & they want to indicate that everything is fine, & certainly that precious metals is not your alternative. Meanwhile, the Asians will continue to buy the dip & keep adding to their position. For what it is worth, Jim Rickards is correct, the Asians are doing their buying through secret agents? 
    What about Gold?
    "As far as the Gold market is concerned, gold will be $150 higher from here within 5 weeks" 

    Wednesday, December 8, 2010

    What is the Safest Investments

    Marc Faber: Normally what is the safest investment? Treasury bills, cash deposits with banks and then government bonds, corporate bonds, equities are more volatile and more risky, but they also have a higher return. And the highest risk is in commodities because, they do not generate any cash flow. But in this situation, as we have it today, I think that holding cash and government bonds is a disaster in the long run. You may hold a US treasury today and it may rally for 10 days, 3 months, but over the next 10 years it will be a disaster as to have held greek bonds.
    My advice is that every responsible individual has first of all, to diversify his assets because we don`t know exactly at what stage the rebooting of the global financial system will happen. Have some money in physical gold ideally outside of the US. You should have some money in equities because as you print money, equity markets tend to go up. Own some farmland, so at least you can live when the reset will happen.
    Jim Rogers: Greece is insolvent, Portugal has a liquidity problem, Spain has a liquidity problem, Belgium has been cooking the books for a long time, Italy has been cooking the books for a long time and the UK is totally insolvent.

    Ron Paul: "What We Need Is More WikiLeaks On The Federal Reserve"

    Dead Cat Bounce - Bernanke Is Dumber Than Gold - Mike Maloney

    MasterCard site partially frozen by hackers in WikiLeaks 'revenge'

    'Operation: Payback' hacks into MasterCard site over payment network's decision to cease taking donations to WikiLeaks

    Thursday, December 2, 2010

    WHALEN: "FED Let the Real Economy go to Hell"

    Peter Schiff: US dollar has lost its strength

    Madoff Trustee Charges JP Morgan With "Enabling" Massive Fraud

    Madoff trustee charges JP Morgan with "Enabling" massive fraud; $1 billion in profits and $5.4 billion in damages sought to be recovered. Says JP Morgan had clear doubts about Madoff operation and should have been more vigilant about firm's cash flows.

    Sen Bernie Sanders Amazing Speech!

    Should you Buy $1400 Gold?

    David Tice: Gold should be at $6000/oz

    David Tice: We are making it worse down the road, QE2 is counterfeit money, its debasing the currency & we will have inflation of more than 10%. We should let the economy cleans itself, more foreclosures got to happen, we have to go down before we go up. 

    Wednesday, December 1, 2010

    Pink Diamond Breaks Record at Christie's Hong Kong Auction

    Harper advisor calls for assassination of Wikileaks director

    Tt is believed to be the first ever televised "fatwa" since the edict by the Iranian leadership of the late Ayatollah Khomeini against British writer Salman Rushdie in February 1989



    It's an old video, but explains the facts very clearly

    Tuesday, November 30, 2010

    New phase of debt crisis! Striking NOW! Despite rescues!

    Sadly, though, even while most Americans were enjoying the holiday or hitting the malls, much of Europe was sinking deeper into a new, more severe phase of its sovereign debt crisis.
    This crisis is unfolding despite Herculean rescues by the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the U.S. Federal Reserve.
    It’s striking right now. And it’s threatening to spread to all of the world’s big debtor nations, including the biggest of all — the United States.
    New phase of debt crisis! Striking NOW! Despite rescues!

    US Mint Sells Record 4.2 Million American Eagle Silver Coins In Nov 2011

    The U.S. Mint's American Eagle silver coins sales are set to rise to a record above 4 million ounces in November, as a European sovereign debt crisis and economic uncertainty prompted individual investors to bet on silver and gold as safe havens.

    EUROzone Contagion: (PIIGS) Here is what it looks like...