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Financial Advisor, GTA, Ontario, Canada
Investment, Insurance, Tax & Estate Planning

Friday, March 18, 2011


What is that number?  The other day, a politician say that the U.S. is currently borrowing $4B per day. I thought, "no way", but that's pretty close. $4B x 365 = $1.46T. Yikes!!

So I started to work it backwards and I got $46,269/second. That's how much the U.S. is borrowing (printing) every freaking second of every freaking day. Oh, but if you listen to CNBC or read Barron's, you'll hear that QE3 is very much in doubt. Whatever...

Both metals closed strong today. Combine that with the strength in crude and the grains and you've got something to build on. It looks almost certain that gold and silver will head back toward the levels that we're giving them so much trouble earlier this week. Gold will trade toward 1430 and silver toward 36. From there? Well you know that whatever power-that-be that was so intent on holding those lines this week will re-emerge. It will be a very interesting..

US Dollar: Failed Annual Cycle confirmed

The US Dollar is falling apart fast. Really fast. Two days ago it completed a failed daily cycle when it traded below 76.12. Now, the US Dollar has already failed its yearly cycle by trading below 75.63. The next downside target for the US Dollar would be the 3 year cycle low at 70.70. 

Please see this: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiqOqbRxRAWAr2gaYTc5aNSaa0Q83_UUnE6xzqp2qZEr_vac3msGLrVlEEj8WfDNpiIKF-EI60eVcvZcqcsmxK9UBe9QmoxW43qBlMwaeDhUED4rdezBtWyLOeH8sBdADX1cKVfu1gbh9fF/s1600/7558.png

Can you comprehend what will happen to the price of commodities when people realize that the world's reserve currency is in a precipitous freefall? Who will want to own the currency then?

Who wants to own it now, for that matter? Something like 70% of all new government debt is being purchased by our FED - not the Japanese, or Saudis or Chinese. Americans are buying their own debt because no one else wants it.

So what will people buy with dollars to get rid of them? Why, just about anything that is tangible, for starters. Such as, you guessed it, gold and silver. I believe at some point just weeks away people will make this exchange in shear emotional panic as the waterfall they are riding is accelerating towards earth.

For a relatively brief period of time precious metals will be seen by many as the only way to save ones self from the onslaught of hyper inflation. And as you know, this is the dynamic that fuels a parabolic rise in price.....too many people desperately chasing a solution to an impossible problem.

This is a great time to buy precious metals and their miners.

Libya: Five Reasons Not to Intervene

As Moammar Gadhafi’s thugs move toward Benghazi, the rebel stronghold, and the provisional government calls for arms and other assistance from the West – principally the United States – we are told to put all doubts aside and simply respond to the alleged moral imperative of preventing a slaughter. This, intone the interventionists, is an “emergency,” which means: we must stop thinking, and respond emotionally to the call to “do something.”

Source: http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2011/03/15/libya-five-reasons-not-to-intervene/print/