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Financial Advisor, GTA, Ontario, Canada
Investment, Insurance, Tax & Estate Planning

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Investors Make Bets On When Life Insurance Policy Holders Will Die

A Cheery Holiday Message from Bankster: Death Eaters on Wall Street
Today a stunning expose on a publicly-traded company called Life Partners Holdings. Are you ready for this?
Life Partners creeps around asking the unemployed, the elderly and the sick (especially people with HIV/AIDS) to sell them their life insurance policies for cash. Then they bundle these policies into securities and sell them to vultures -- oh, I am sorry, “investors.” Then the “investors” sit around and wait for people to die -- the sooner the better for the purchasers of these death bonds. The future of this industry “looks bright,” chirps National Underwriters.

How much is the gold price going to rise?


Must watch !!!