About Me
- ASH (Ashutosh Singh)
- Financial Advisor, GTA, Ontario, Canada
- Investment, Insurance, Tax & Estate Planning
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Debt Collapse - $20,000/oz Gold - Mike Maloney (FULL PRESENTATION)
130 min of your useful weekend time..
Monday, August 15, 2011
Eric Sprott interview with James Turk at GATA Gold Rush 2011
Eric Sprott mentioning about the forthcoming future Gold mania..
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Health Care Reform & Dollar Dive = Total Control : Lindsey Williams
“The Euro is going to fall first. I was told that it will be one European country after the other will default until the Euro and the European Union are in such a collapsed position that they’ll have no choice but to render the Euro worthless. At that point you have some where in the matter of days, not months, maybe weeks, but not months. You have only a matter of days to get out of every piece of paper you’ve got. I’m talking about Federal Reserve notes, I’m talking about Treasury Bills, I’m speaking of your retirement, your 401K, your IRA. But of course you can’t get out that quickly so you’re going to lose it, and they know this, you have a matter of days.”
– Pastor Lindsey WilliamsWednesday, August 10, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Gold Guru "Jim Sinclair" interviewed by James Turk
$1764 is a level for Gold, thereafter Gold to go parabolic..
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
New World Order Agenda: Lindsey Williams
Depose Arab Kings, Kill oil production, & simultaneously open up US oil reserves.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
25 Reasons To Buy Gold And Dump Dollars
Debt-based fiat money, which implies never ending debt and constant inflation, is not a sound, stable or sustainable monetary system. Major economic problems today, such as rising global commodity prices and the sovereign debt crisis, are not aberrations or inherent problems of capitalism, but are the inevitable consequences of a centrally planned system that, by design, produces never ending inflation, ever increasing centralization of financial power and increasingly extreme concentration of wealth.
Monetary systems that rely on debt-based fiat money can be accurately described as confidence games and the global cartel of central banks that exists today is similar to a criminal cartel, such as the drug cartel, except that the banking cartel has been legalized,can extort hundreds of billions from governments with impunity,and can conjure unlimited trillions out of thin air for its own benefit with no accountability. In stark contrast,hapless billions of people labor worldwide for single-digit hourly wages on an ever faster moving hamster wheel of inflation and debt.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Adrian Salbuchi: Hidden agenda in Syria to show itself after Bilderberg meeting
Hidden agenda in Syria to show itself after Bilderberg meeting Tensions are peaking in Syria, government troops have stormed the rebel northern border town of Jisr Al-Shugour with tanks and military helicopters. The army has entered the city in order to "cleanse it" from rebellious armed groups, which killed at least 120 police officers last week. Meanwhile, Britain and France are still pushing for a UN resolution, condemning the brutal crackdown against anti-government activists in Syria. Russia, which opposes any attempts to intervene in the Syrian conflict, said it won't back the move.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Death of Dollar by 2012!! Lindsey Williams Prediction (2011)
Lindsey Williams says Gas to cost $7/gallon by end of 2012 and the US dollar will be dead, the Arabs will be double crossed and will lose all their paper holdings (US debts/treasury) and will become very angry at the west. They (Arabs) will go back to their previous life style riding camels and roaming the desert, says pastor Lindsey Williams
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
James Turk's presentation on the gold price and the US dollar
Please check at 1 min of the video, a comparative analysis of growth in Gold price
in major currencies over the last decade.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
A Whole New Ballgame
Webster Tarpley & Alex Jones: Obama - The Naked Emperor in The White House
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
'The US Shouldn't Play with Its Credibility'
Is the West going broke? It would seem to be a legitimate question in this era of sovereign debt panic. Not only is the euro zone struggling to prop up the European common currency with enormous bailout packages for its most indebted members, but concerns that Greece may ultimately go bust anyway have many afraid that the worst is yet to come.
And then there is the United States. A report released by the International Monetary Fund last week suggests that US national debt could reach 100 percent of gross domestic product by 2015 -- and despite efforts to slim down the budget pushed through Congress by the administration of President Barack Obama last week, there is little indication that the upward trend will be reversed any time soon. This year's budget deficit will add a cool $1.5 trillion to the US debt load.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Eric Sportt: Follow the Money
You know silver’s doing well when the commentators start giving it the ‘gold’ treatment. Silver’s recent rise has been so spectacular that it’s caught many investors off guard. It’s natural to be sceptical when you don’t know the fundamentals driving strong performance, and many pundits and commentators have been quick to downplay it as a result - much like they do towards gold when it enjoys a run. Silver is also an awkward metal for them to categorize. Is it a commodity, a monetary metal, or both? And which side is driving demand? If it’s industrial demand, that’s ok, because that’s bullish.
But if it’s investment demand for silver as ‘money’, well then that’s sort of bearish, isn’t it? The fact remains that most commentators have failed to grasp the monetary shifts that silver is signaling today, and in doing so they’ve failed to appreciate just how high it could actually go.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Squeeze Is On (Gold at $1500 & Silver at $44)
The squeeze is on. Yesterday’s downgrading of the US economic outlook by Standard & Poor provided the catalyst for US Dollar shorts to cover, which drove up the Dollar index up, breaking its 15% decline over the last 10 months. S&P revised its outlook on the US AAA credit rating to negative from stable, citing the massive US debt and Washington’s apparent inability to cope with it its fiscal problems; "we believe there is a material risk that U.S. policy makers might not reach an agreement on how to address medium- and long-term budgetary challenges by 2013." While the S&P maintained the country's top AAA credit rating, the rating agency called the odds at one in three that the U.S. credit rating could be downgraded within two years.
http://news.goldseek.com/GoldSeek/1303220561.phpSunday, April 17, 2011
Texas University BUYS $1 Billion in Gold Bar
The University of Texas Investment Management Co., the second-largest U.S. academic endowment, took delivery of almost $1 billion in gold bullion and is storing the bars in a New York vault, according to the fund’s board.
The fund, whose $19.9 billion in assets ranked it behind Harvard University's endowment as of August, according to the National Association of College and University Business Officers, added about $500 million in gold investments to an existing stake last year, said Bruce Zimmerman, the endowment’s chief executive officer. The holdings are worth about $987 million, based on yesterday’s closing price of $1,486 an ounce for Comex futures.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-04-16/texas-university-takes-cue-from-kyle-bass-to-hold-1-billion-in-gold-bars.htmlFriday, April 15, 2011
Bob Chapman - Silver price prediction.
Bob Chapman: In the last few days we have seen the US government in the market and they have done everything possible to knock prices down which is not unusual within a corporate fascist governmental culture and that's what we have in America , says Bob Chapman, of The International Forecaster, and people who do not believe that they are missing the whole point.
It won't last but for few days may be weeks and the next step -Silver is going to go higher if for no other reason this giant naked short position being held by JP Morgan Chase and HSBC..
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Erskine Bowles Testifies On 'The Most Predictable Economic Crisis' in History
The U.S. Treasury has released a Final Statement for the month of March that demonstrates that financial madness has gripped the federal government.
During the month, according to the Treasury, the federal government grossed $194 billion in tax revenue and paid out $65.898 billion in tax refunds (including $62.011 to individuals and $3.887 to businesses) thus netting $128.179 billion in tax revenue for March.
At the same, the Treasury paid out a total of $1.1187 trillion. When the $65.898 billion in tax refunds is deducted from that, the Treasury paid a net of $1.0528 trillion in federal expenses for March.
That $1.0528 trillion in spending for March equaled 8.2 times the $128.179 in net federal tax revenue for the month.
The lion’s share of this federal spending went to redeem Treasury securities that had matured during the month—most of which were short-term Treasury bills that have terms of one-year or less.
In fact, during March the Treasury redeemed $705.3 billion in Treasury securities of which $623.9 billion were short-term bills with a term of one year or less.
After the disbursements made to pay off the $705.3 billion in loans that came due in March, three of the other top four federal spending items for the month were entitlements programs. The other top item was payments to defense contractors.
The Treasury paid $49.8 billion in Social Security benefits in March, $47.4 billion in Medicare benefits, and $22.575 billion in Medicaid benefits. It also paid $37.9 billion to defense contractors.
To help pay off its $1.0528 trillion in monthly bills on only $128.179 in monthly tax revenue, the Treasury turned primarily to new borrowing. During the month, according to the Treasury statement, the government sold $786.5 billion in new securities. It also drew down its cash balance from $190.6 billion at the beginning of the month to $118.1 billion at the end of the month. It also reaped $18 billion from the sale of assets in the Troubled Asset Relief Program.
The federal government’s cash-flow situation was summed up pungently in Senate Budget Committee testimony by Erskine Bowles, who served as chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and is now the co-chair of President Barack Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility. (See video below.)
“I'm really concerned,” Bowles told the committee last month. “I think we face the most predictable economic crisis in history. A lot of us sitting in this room didn't see this last crisis as it came upon us. But this one is really easy to see. The fiscal path we are on today is simply not sustainable.
“This debt and these deficits that we are incurring on an annual basis are like a cancer and they are truly going to destroy this country from within unless we have the common sense to do something about it,” said Bowles.
“I used to say that I got into this thing for my grandchildren,” Bowles said. “I have eight grandchildren under five years old. I'll have one more in a week. And my life is wonderful and it is wild. But this problem is going to happen long before my grandchildren grow up.
“This problem is going to happen, like the former chairman of the Fed said, or the Moody's said, this is a problem we're going to have to face up,” he said. “It may be two years, you know, maybe a little less, maybe a little more. But if our bankers over there in Asia begin to believe that we're not going to be solid on our debt, that we're not going to be able to meet our obligations, just stop and think for a minute what happens if they just stop buying our debt.
“What happens to interest rates?” asked Bowles. “And what happens to the U.S. economy? The markets will absolutely devastate us if we don't step up to this problem. The problem is real, the solutions are painful, and we have to act.”
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Silver's monetary role contributing to the metal's explosive growth
Silver is increasingly becoming a global monetary metal, mostly due to inflationary concerns and the debasement of the world's major currencies. And that's the main driver for silver's surging bull market, according to some key players in the precious metals investment sector.
Rising inflation in China and India, as well as Europe's ongoing sovereignty debt crisis, are major contributors to gold and silver reverting back to their traditional "safe haven" status, according to New York-based James Steel, a precious metals analyst for HSBC Securities.
In India Post Office is selling gold coins like hotcakes
The humble post office is the latest organisation to get into the gold act in India. Standard 24 carat gold coins have been selling like hotcakes at over 466 post offices dotted throughout the country.
Despite the current high price, Indian consumers have been buying small quantities of coins to give as gifts during the festival season. With the spring, harvesting and wedding season all in full swing in India, demand for the yellow metal has shown a substantial climb.
The gold coins are manufactured by Valcambi in Switzerland. "Apart from enhancing the revenue of the postal department and services, the move has enabled us to usher in a new image of the India Post as a modern and relevant organisation. Gold coins are showing to have an immense pull-factor with the younger generation,'' said a postal official, requesting anonymity.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Silver vs Gold by Jim Cramer (Silver will outperform)
This video first came on Sept 2010.
Silver is 4 - 5 times rarer than Gold. It is vanishing fast, due to industrial uses and is too cheap to recycle. In the not too distant future it will be more expensive than Gold. Get some now while they are giving it away. It will be like buying 25 Van Gogh paintings for nothing, when he was alive. Silver is a tremendous long term investment.
Friday, March 18, 2011
What is that number? The other day, a politician say that the U.S. is currently borrowing $4B per day. I thought, "no way", but that's pretty close. $4B x 365 = $1.46T. Yikes!!
So I started to work it backwards and I got $46,269/second. That's how much the U.S. is borrowing (printing) every freaking second of every freaking day. Oh, but if you listen to CNBC or read Barron's, you'll hear that QE3 is very much in doubt. Whatever...
Both metals closed strong today. Combine that with the strength in crude and the grains and you've got something to build on. It looks almost certain that gold and silver will head back toward the levels that we're giving them so much trouble earlier this week. Gold will trade toward 1430 and silver toward 36. From there? Well you know that whatever power-that-be that was so intent on holding those lines this week will re-emerge. It will be a very interesting..
So I started to work it backwards and I got $46,269/second. That's how much the U.S. is borrowing (printing) every freaking second of every freaking day. Oh, but if you listen to CNBC or read Barron's, you'll hear that QE3 is very much in doubt. Whatever...
Both metals closed strong today. Combine that with the strength in crude and the grains and you've got something to build on. It looks almost certain that gold and silver will head back toward the levels that we're giving them so much trouble earlier this week. Gold will trade toward 1430 and silver toward 36. From there? Well you know that whatever power-that-be that was so intent on holding those lines this week will re-emerge. It will be a very interesting..
US Dollar: Failed Annual Cycle confirmed
The US Dollar is falling apart fast. Really fast. Two days ago it completed a failed daily cycle when it traded below 76.12. Now, the US Dollar has already failed its yearly cycle by trading below 75.63. The next downside target for the US Dollar would be the 3 year cycle low at 70.70.
Please see this: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiqOqbRxRAWAr2gaYTc5aNSaa0Q83_UUnE6xzqp2qZEr_vac3msGLrVlEEj8WfDNpiIKF-EI60eVcvZcqcsmxK9UBe9QmoxW43qBlMwaeDhUED4rdezBtWyLOeH8sBdADX1cKVfu1gbh9fF/s1600/7558.png
Can you comprehend what will happen to the price of commodities when people realize that the world's reserve currency is in a precipitous freefall? Who will want to own the currency then?
Who wants to own it now, for that matter? Something like 70% of all new government debt is being purchased by our FED - not the Japanese, or Saudis or Chinese. Americans are buying their own debt because no one else wants it.
So what will people buy with dollars to get rid of them? Why, just about anything that is tangible, for starters. Such as, you guessed it, gold and silver. I believe at some point just weeks away people will make this exchange in shear emotional panic as the waterfall they are riding is accelerating towards earth.
For a relatively brief period of time precious metals will be seen by many as the only way to save ones self from the onslaught of hyper inflation. And as you know, this is the dynamic that fuels a parabolic rise in price.....too many people desperately chasing a solution to an impossible problem.
This is a great time to buy precious metals and their miners.
Libya: Five Reasons Not to Intervene
As Moammar Gadhafi’s thugs move toward Benghazi, the rebel stronghold, and the provisional government calls for arms and other assistance from the West – principally the United States – we are told to put all doubts aside and simply respond to the alleged moral imperative of preventing a slaughter. This, intone the interventionists, is an “emergency,” which means: we must stop thinking, and respond emotionally to the call to “do something.”
Source: http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2011/03/15/libya-five-reasons-not-to-intervene/print/
Source: http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2011/03/15/libya-five-reasons-not-to-intervene/print/
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Bank of Japan's ¥55,600,000,000,000
That's the total amount of money rumored to be injected by the BOJ in order to keep the Nikkei going for a whopping 4 days. According to PTI the BOJ has offered to add an additional ¥13.8 trillion today, to go with the tens of trillions already noted previously. This would bring the total in just 4 days to $700 billion dollars!
From PTI,
The Bank of Japan has offered an additional 13.8 trillion yen (some USD 170 billion) to money markets, bringing to 55.6 trillion yen the total emergency funds made available by it to protect the nation's banking system from the negative impact of Friday's massive earthquake.
Japanese authorities admitted that the unusual step to drop water from twin-rotor CH-47 helicopters to cool overheating pool containing spent fuel rods would not resolve the multifarious problems confronting them. These rods are still radioactive and as dangerous as the rods inside the reactors.
"It's not so simple that everything will be resolved by pouring in water. What we are trying to do is to avert other problems, said Edano.
India's top diplomat in Tokyo said all Indian nationals in Japan are safe and that efforts are underway to facilitate the return of those wishing to leave the quake-ravaged region.
A group of Indians stranded in Sendai, one of the worst- affected in the quake and the devastating tsunami, have been moved to Tokyo, Indian Ambassador Alok Prasad said.
He said the Indian mission has set up a 24-hour helpline and has been giving regular updates on its website.
Reflecting the mounting international concerns, France has asked its nationals in Tokyo to leave the country or move south.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Silver vs. Tech Stocks
It’s now been over a decade since the great tech bubble burst in the year 2000, but even today technology stocks are still popular among most investors and the financial media. There are good reasons for the continued popularity of technology stocks. Not only do tech companies deliver us cool new products each year, but many tech companies have delivered great stock returns as well. This creates an opportunity for investors to follow one of Peter Lynch’s famous principals, which is “invest in what you know”. Most investors have used one or more of the products these companies produce, and naturally they want to invest in the growth of the technology products that they enjoy.
Read more: http://news.silverseek.com/SilverSeek/1300110719.phpSaturday, March 12, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Case for $175/oz SILVER
Every $20 Billion in new money will move the price of Silver $144 higher
(Details explained)
(Details explained)
Bob Quartermain: The Constraints on Silver Supply
At the Casey Research Gold and Resource Summit, Bob Quartermain spoke about the constraints facing silver supply today, “Mine supply doesn’t meet demand and in many of the new applications silver isn’t being recycled, so it’s not going to come back into the scrap supply chain... We’ll have to go out and find new mines or new sources for silver; and that can only speak to higher prices.” We’ve got the highlights of his speech in the video below.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Eric Sprott - "The investement of the next decade"
Eric Sprott of sprott asset management talks about Silver, Silver stocks, silver bullion shortage...
Who Would Pay $500/oz for Silver?
Jason Hommel of Silverstockreport.com, speaks about a common objection from potential silver investors. Hommel predicts, if silver does rise to $500 per ounce in value, a stampede would occur pushing Silver even higher.
Utah Considers Return to Gold, Silver Coins
It's been nearly 80 years since the U.S. stopped using Gold coins as legal currency, and nearly 40 since the world abandoned the gold standard, but the precious metal could be making a comeback in the United States -- beginning in Utah.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Ron Paul To Ben Bernanke "I Want A Definition Of Money!"
The must watch 5 minutes from today's second day of Bernanke hearings before congress is the interaction between the Chairman and his archnemesis: Ron Paul.
The first brilliant rebuttal by Ron Paul has to do with the ongoing "Federal Reserve lecturing" on why Congress should not allow out of control deficits to escalate.
As Paul so correctly put its, "the Congress and the Fed are symbiotic because the Congress spends and they know there is a moral hazard involved because they know that if interest rates go up, the Fed accommodates them. So the Fed really facilitates this spending, and until we realize this I think the Fed is involved with our deficit and encourages it as well as the Congress."
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Jim Rogers on Bloomberg (his take on commodities)
Farmer's will drive Lamborghini & Stock brokers will drive Taxi's
Sunday, February 27, 2011
iShares Silver Trust (SLV) scam exposed
Everyone should know this info about the SLV (and GLD)!
To trust a banker is like trusting the devil. Owning physical is the only way to go now. The GLD and SLV are insurance policies securing a lifeboat on the Titanic, but if it hits an iceberg then the insurance becomes payable in cash. SLV has several loopholes, here they are.....
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Richard Russell: Gold is the Safest Currency
Richard Russell, the man behind Dow Theory Letters talks about the depreciation of the dollar and why he feels safe holding Gold, at the Casey Research Gold and Resource Summit. In the 70s-80s what was driving the gold market was the fear of inflation. Today its the fear of the collapse of the dollar.
.Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Why Developments in Bahrain is more important than Libya
Analyst Kamran Bokhari explains why the outcome of government-opposition negotiations in Bahrain is geopolitically more significant than the turmoil in Libya.
Read more: Dispatch: Why the Outcome of Bahrain's Unrest Matters | STRATFOR
Read more: Dispatch: Why the Outcome of Bahrain's Unrest Matters | STRATFOR
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Taipan Daily Special Report: Libya Is No Egypt
by Ryan Cole, Contributing Editor, Taipan Daily
In a far more destabilizing move, the oil-producing nation is descending into civil war and chaos.
When Egypt's protests were happening, we called for calm. There's no oil in Egypt, we said. The army isn't firing on anyone, we said. The Suez Canal is operating as normal. Mubarak was eventually forced to step down, and oil prices immediately eased, while developing market values saw a quick uptick. Libya is not Egypt. And this escalating civil war is an entirely different situation.
For one, Libya is a major oil-producing nation. It holds about 3% of the world's proven reserves, and pumps out over a million barrels of oil a day.
For another, this struggle has already turned bloody. Gaddafi has (allegedly) ordered his army to fire on crowds of protesters, killing scores. Local police and army forces have clashed -- with the army backing down. Anti-government protesters have taken over large swaths of the country -- including the oil-rich east, and the country's second-largest city, Benghazi.
What's more, there is dissent in the ranks. Gaddafi's ambassador to the U.S. has officially washed his hands of the dictator, and called for him to step down. An army official -- of unknown rank and division -- has called for the military to refuse to support Gaddafi, and sign a petition to that effect.
Libya's deputy head of its U.N. delegation has called for Gaddafi's ouster, saying the military strongman has declared genocide upon his own people. What's more, the deputy head has asked for Libya to be declared a no-fly zone, to prevent mercenaries from being shuttled in, and to stop Libya's air force from bombing the country.
Two Libyan pilots have defected to Malta, claiming political asylum after refusing to bomb Benghazi.
Gaddafi, meanwhile, has appeared on TV declaring his intention to remain in Tripoli, and die a martyr if need be. At the same time, anti-government forces now hold most of Libya's oil fields, and are threatening to disrupt production if Gaddafi isn't removed.
A Dangerous Time to Be in the Middle East
At this point, the best-case scenario is a quick end to Gaddafi's rule -- either with the dictator fleeing the country or losing the support of his army. The worst-case is a prolonged civil war -- which, at this point, appears almost inevitable.
Further complicating matters -- Libya has only been a unified nation under Gaddafi. During Italian colonial rule, it was three separate entities, each ruled autonomously by clans or other groups of geographic affiliation. Without Gaddafi, there is a fair chance Libya will again splinter, much like Yugoslavia did after the fall of Tito.
With the oil fields already under control of the rebels -- who themselves are backed by Libya's largest clan, the Warfala tribe -- disruptions in supply are almost assured if these clashes drag on longer.
What's more, the emerging politics of a new Libya are up for debate. Egypt has very clearly been moving toward a democratic revolution. Libya may well descend into a mess of clan allegiances and local strongmen.
In short, Libya is an unpredictable quagmire, with no clear path toward stability. It also bears more in common with other military regimes in the area than Egypt did; Libya's fall could easily spark intensified revolts farther afield.
This is no Egypt. Watch out for skyrocketing oil prices -- and this time, they might not come back down. Not for a while -- certainly not if pipelines get disrupted. This might be the beginning of a big shift in the Middle East. For now, we should hold our breath, hold our money and see what happens.
Gerald Celente: Comments on The Global Ponzi Scheme
Gerald Celente: It's all about money, what's happening in the middle east and north Africa is the same old story. This revolution is going to spread to Europe and America, it is going to be twittered, face-booked, youtubed and telivised. This is a neo feudalism, only the elite do not seem to understand that the people are awake.
This game is gonna end this global Ponzi scheme is going to fall down, you have ten banks owning most of the economy. It's the merger of the state and corporate power.
Eric Sprott: The Government Lied... There is No More Silver!
Eric Sprott made an appearance at Casey Research Gold and Resource Summit where in addition to providing a succinct summary of all his monthly letters from the past year, whose forecasts are all gradually panning out, he spoke about the prospects for gold, and particularly silver. We will leave it to readers to parse through the brief must watch clip, but here is the punchling for those wondering why increasingly more distributors are reporting indefinite lack of physical silver inventory: "There's $22 billion of silver available in the world, of which the ETFs already own half, and between you guys and us we probably own the other half...Which means there's nothing left.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
We Can Not Assume The Dollar Will Retain Its Reserve Currency Status
Mohamed El-Erian Says We Can Not Assume The Dollar Will Retain Its Reserve Currency Status:
On what the weak dollar is signaling:
"It is a warning shot to America that we cannot simply assume flight to quality, flight to safety. That people are starting to worry about the fiscal situation in the U.S., worrying about the level of debt and what they're hearing about states and municipalities. I would take this as a warning shot that we cannot assume that we will maintain the standing of the reserve currency as we have in the past."
Monday, February 21, 2011
Interview between GATA's Chris Powell and James Turk
The gold price suppression scheme is being explained from A to Z. This video is a must-watch for anyone with a clear interest in gold and free monetary markets.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Bank Run fears engulf Korean Savings Bank Industry
More than a thousand customers lined up in front of the Busan II Savings Bank located in Busan yesterday as soon as the nation’s financial regulator announced a six-month business suspension of Busan Savings Bank and its affiliate Daejeon Mutual Savings Bank.
The line formed by depositors extended about 100 meters (328 feet) from the door of Busan II Savings Bank. “You won’t be allowed to withdraw your money if you are just standing there without a queue ticket number,” a bank employee told the crowd using a microphone.
Those without a ticket then headed to the automated teller machines to withdraw their money, but the machines quickly ran out of cash.
“I’ve saved 40 million won ($35,810) over my whole life. That money was going to be used for my grandson’s marriage but I cannot trust these people [bank employees] saying that I am guaranteed to get my money back,” said Cho So-young, 79.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Ted Butler on Silver Shortages
Silver was around $ 4.02 per oz in 2000, now it's over $31, now that's investment! I'm buying for the longterm, my silver is for keeps unless there's a massive price explosion.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Worst Hyperinflation Situations of All Time
Imagine that during the time it took to drink a cup of coffee, the price of that cup of coffee doubled. Although extreme, this becomes the reality of hyperinflation, where prices change so rapidly that everyday items rise exponentially and money becomes worthless, virtually overnight or even in the course of a working day.
Today, inflation has become a major topic of debate in the United States, and although many are concerned about the effects of a devalued dollar on the economy, history shows us examples of how inflation has been much, much worse. In 2008, Steve H. Hanke, professor at Johns Hopkins University and Senior Fellow at theCATO institute, studied hyperinflation in Zimbabwe to see how it compared to historical cases of out-of-control inflation. His findings and calculations are presented in this slideshow.
As it turns out, hyperinflation generally coincides with wars and a series of ill-advised and inflammatory fiscal policy decisions, but at the core is a result of a rapid increase in the money supply that is not supported by growth in the economy.
The world's first recorded hyperinflation came during the French Revolution, where monthly inflation peaked at 143 percent, but it took until the 20th century for this type of out-of-control inflation to happen again.
The report outlines that during the 20th century, seventeen hyperinflations occurred in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, including 5 in Latin America, 4 in Western Europe, 1 in Southeast Asia and one in Africa. The United States has never been a victim of hyperinflation but came close twice - during the Revolutionary War and Civil War - when the government printed currency in order to pay for its war efforts. However, in both of the US cases, inflation never exceeded a 50 percent monthly inflation rate (an informal threshold for hyperinflation), which pales in comparison to history's most dramatic cases.
In the opening to the CATO report, the authors make the observation that "hyperinflations have never occurred when a commodity served as money or when paper money was convertible into a commodity. The curse of hyperinflation has only reared its ugly head when the supply of money had no natural constraints and was governed by a discretionary paper money standard." With this in mind, it may be sobering to realize that any fiat currency is susceptible to rampant inflation, although to take hold, hyperinflation requires a series of extreme political and social circumstances.
So, what were some of the worst inflation situations in history and how did they come to be? Click the link to find out.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
How Big is the U.S. Debt?
U.S.’s 65 trillion in debt is bigger than globe’s entire GDP of 60 trillion
(Most scary numbers explained in simple terms)..
(US Dollar cannot survive in its current form), some massive restructuring has to happen..
5 Factors That Might Burst The Housing Bubble
Canadian real estate market is on fire. Record numbers of sold homes, record prices, bidding wars… All this is happening while we are coming out of the worst recession in 90 years, & Canadians are still losing their jobs. Here are 5 factors that might burst the housing bubble:
One reason that the housing market is booming right now in Canada is because we are caught in a mini “demand bubble”. This demand is coming from A) the lack of sales last winter where buyers put off the buying decision during the financial crisis and B) buyers looking to buy before rates increase. All the home owners that didn’t buy from Sept ‘08 to March ‘09 are competing with the buyers who want to take advantage of the low mortgage rates. This means that the demand could weaken in the coming months because everyone has already bought!
It’s impossible to know how quickly rates will increase, however, simple math dictates that when mortgage rates go up, homes become more expensive. This will create weakness in home sales and it might drive down prices. The mortgage rate over the last 20 years has averaged around 8%, and for the past 5 years, most Canadians have been obtaining mortgages at 4-6%. If buyers are getting caught up in a bidding war and overpaying for a home that they can barely afford, at 4% interest, then they might have difficulty paying a 7-8% mortgage when rates increase.
In the past, whenever there was weakness in the housing market, the Canadian Government loosened the mortgage restrictions in order to stimulate the housing market. The government extended the amortization, reduced the amount of the minimum down payment, and increased the RRSP amount that can be used by 1st time buyers. There is now no more room to move (assuming that we won’t go back to allowing $0 down and 40 year amortization which was allowed in 2008). More than 50% of all mortgages in Canada this year were amortized longer than the standard 25 years. This means there is very little that the government can do to simulate the housing market if sales weaken. If the housing bubble bursts, and housing prices crash, then that means we are on our own.
When people lose their jobs, it becomes hard to pay their mortgage. Some people might take out a line of credit to help them until they find their next job, but others will need to sell their home. A poor job market will create more supply and, at the same time, it will create less demand because fewer jobs means that less people can buy.
If higher mortgage rates, higher unemployment rate, and a weaker demand make housing prices start to decrease, then watch out. Decreasing home prices are a very slippery slope. Deflation has been identified as the pro-longer of the great depression. When the price of a product is decreasing, and consumers know that they can buy the product in a few months at a cheaper price, then they will wait to buy. This “waiting” is poison for any industry. The more consumers wait to purchase, the faster prices fall. The more prices fall, the longer consumers wait. It’s a vicious spiral! We saw a brief glimpse of this from Oct 08 to April 09 as Toronto home prices started to crash when no one was buying.
No one can predict if the bubble will burst. It might not even burst. Perhaps homes in Canada were already priced low (compared to New York, Hong Kong, Dublin), perhaps the economy will continue to improve, interest rates will remain low, and salaries will increase. Regardless of what happens, it makes good personal financial sense to examine multiple “what if” scenarios before you pay $50,000 over asking with 5% down and 35 year mortgage at 4%.
Monday, February 14, 2011
BACKWARDATION and the fall of the bankers
The Silver is in BACKWARDATION and the fall of the bankers It's happening right now, and it will change everything.
It's still winter but things are getting hot, hot, hot. Barclays reports solar panel usage is expected to jump up to use 7% of production; mines are borrowing metal for their hedge programs, high grade silver is getting swooped before it reaches the street, coin sales are at record levels, Comex inventories is at four year low (Reuters)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
The Rarest Earth (Metal)
Those who keep up with business news will have no doubt read about the recent developments in the category of minerals known as rare earth elements (REE’s). These are minerals that are vital to modern industrial applications, ranging from lasers, batteries, alternative energy, and superconductors to all sorts of important high-tech applications. There are 17 minerals classified as REE’s with exotic names like scandium, yttrium, lanthanum, cerium, and praseodymium. Don’t worry, this is not a technical discussion and this will probably be the only time I write about rare earth elements.
Since I’m not a REE expert why am I writing about them? The answer has to do with silver. Silver shares many characteristics with the rare earth elements and there is a lot to learn from them in our analysis of silver. In fact, the purpose of this article is to make the case that silver is the rarest of all the rare earth elements.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
After a Period of Heavy Money Printing WAR Follows
Marc Faber & Nassim Taleb at Russia Forum : Is Russia the Best or Worst in BRIC?
Marc Faber explains why oil is the best investment right now, whether you’re bullish OR bearish on the world economy. Marc Faber starts at 24:24 minutes and Nassim Taleb at 40:00
Marc Faber explains why oil is the best investment right now, whether you’re bullish OR bearish on the world economy. Marc Faber starts at 24:24 minutes and Nassim Taleb at 40:00
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Steve Forbes: If printing money was the way to wealth then we should legalize counterfeiting
If printing money was the way to wealth then we should legalize counterfeiting , but the government does not like competition that's way Peter Schiff added . On the Peter Schiff Show, Steve Forbes declared: "If printing money was the way to wealth, then we should legalize counterfeiting"
2011 – The year when money starts to die
Many of us recognise the government debt bubble, which ensures that today’s rulers are relieved by the artificially low cost of their debt. But most of us are unaware of the other bubble, that of the value of money, which is also held up at artificially high levels. The money bubble is inflating primarily in quantity rather than price, making it easier to deceive the public. There is also a fundamental difference from the usual bubbles, which end with a collapse while money’s value is unaffected: in this dual bubble both debt and money will eventually collapse together; the former as nominal yields rise and the latter being reflected in rising precious metal prices.
Shocking Video: Man Politely Robs Washington Store
A sign of things to come during hyperinflation. A man politely robs a convenient store. He has since been identified and arrested after police received tips from this surveillance video.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
The Silver Pharaoh
Made entirely out of silver that's interesting. The royal tomb of Pharaoh Psusennes I is one of the most spectacular of all the ancient Egyptian treasures -- even more remarkable than that of Tutankhamun. So why hasn't the world heard about it? What mysteries does it contain? And what does it reveal about ancient Egypt?
The tomb was discovered filled with lavish jewels and treasure almost by accident in 1939 by the French archaeologist Pierre Montet while he was in northern Egypt. The royal burial chamber came as a complete surprise -- no Egyptologist had anticipated a tomb of such grandeur in this area. Unfortunately, the tomb was found on the eve of World War II in Europe and attracted little attention.
One of the most startling discoveries inside the tomb was the sarcophagus in which the body was held: It was made of silver with exquisite detail and craftsmanship. No other silver sarcophagus has ever been found and it is now recognized by many Egyptologists as one of the most exquisite artifacts of ancient Egypt ever to be found.
The elaborate tribute within the tomb suggested it was the burial site of someone very important. Using the hieroglyphs inside the tomb, they pieced together the identity of the pharaoh: his powerful role in ancient Egypt, and why he received such grand treatment.
The investigation reveals political intrigue, a lost city and a leader who united a country in turmoil and became the Silver Pharaoh.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
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