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Financial Advisor, GTA, Ontario, Canada
Investment, Insurance, Tax & Estate Planning

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Adrian Salbuchi: Hidden agenda in Syria to show itself after Bilderberg meeting

Hidden agenda in Syria to show itself after Bilderberg meeting Tensions are peaking in Syria, government troops have stormed the rebel northern border town of Jisr Al-Shugour with tanks and military helicopters. The army has entered the city in order to "cleanse it" from rebellious armed groups, which killed at least 120 police officers last week. Meanwhile, Britain and France are still pushing for a UN resolution, condemning the brutal crackdown against anti-government activists in Syria. Russia, which opposes any attempts to intervene in the Syrian conflict, said it won't back the move.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Death of Dollar by 2012!! Lindsey Williams Prediction (2011)

Lindsey Williams says Gas to cost $7/gallon by end of 2012 and the US dollar will be dead, the Arabs will be double crossed and will lose all their paper holdings (US debts/treasury) and will become very angry at the west. They (Arabs) will go back to their previous life style riding camels and roaming the desert, says pastor Lindsey Williams

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

James Turk's presentation on the gold price and the US dollar

Please check at 1 min of the video, a comparative analysis of growth in Gold price
in major currencies over the last decade.