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Financial Advisor, GTA, Ontario, Canada
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gerald Celente: Internet nuke bomb waiting to go off

Gerald Celente, the founder of the Trends Research Institute, believes that the Internet will empower the youth of the world to unite to start a revolution that will overthrow the existing deadlocked elitist establishment. He predicts that in 2011 every citizen is going to realize that the Great Recession the world has been living through is actually a Great Depression, because the American establishment is "running out of schemes.
Problems of humanity:

1.Anglosaxonic Criminal Bretton-Woods System, which blocks development of "uncomfortable" for US terrorists, countries

2. Interest rate

3. Federal Reserve and controlled central banks

4. One reserve currency based on nothing, dollar financial pyramid

5. "International democratic HR institutes" controlled by Soros US scum

6. American propaganda (Holyshitwood, media, games, "education")

7. American terrorist organizations, US "army"

8. Americans (ignorance, superiority complex), Celente knows what he's talking about. It's already happening with cops pulling you over when going 2 miles over speed limit. Parking meters way up high and rigged to make sure you end up with a ticket. It’s the little people who end up footing the bill, and look at college costs with no decent job opportunities for graduates.