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Financial Advisor, GTA, Ontario, Canada
Investment, Insurance, Tax & Estate Planning

Thursday, December 2, 2010

WHALEN: "FED Let the Real Economy go to Hell"

Peter Schiff: US dollar has lost its strength

Madoff Trustee Charges JP Morgan With "Enabling" Massive Fraud

Madoff trustee charges JP Morgan with "Enabling" massive fraud; $1 billion in profits and $5.4 billion in damages sought to be recovered. Says JP Morgan had clear doubts about Madoff operation and should have been more vigilant about firm's cash flows.

Sen Bernie Sanders Amazing Speech!

Should you Buy $1400 Gold?

David Tice: Gold should be at $6000/oz

David Tice: We are making it worse down the road, QE2 is counterfeit money, its debasing the currency & we will have inflation of more than 10%. We should let the economy cleans itself, more foreclosures got to happen, we have to go down before we go up.