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Financial Advisor, GTA, Ontario, Canada
Investment, Insurance, Tax & Estate Planning

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Why SILVER: Why Now?

Massive fraud, universal deceit, blatant corruption. These are not days for the faint of heart. Physical silver can help you to financially prepare for what is yet to come. Wild fluctuations should be expected, yet the continued 'rocket rise' is essentially a correction upward, then momentum buying. Drops in price to long term bulls are merely consolidations and the base for the next and higher move up.
Why buy now? Because you may be left behind. Silver is INDEED a remarkable "investment" if you consider the massive paper manipulation and fraud which is now in process of unwinding. Silver will only gain in value as the Dollar falls. I would call your attention to the price of silver over the last three months vs the Dollar.

A Silver Shortage?

With every investor large and small buying silver coins - that alone would push the price up. Unless the JPM/HSBC cartel have more derrivative shorts in the face of 5 class action law suits and a RICO bankster short-squeeze. Now JPM bought 1 billion of copper in London to cover their silver shorts? Money manager predicts the price of silver to skyrocket on industrial growth

Silver Shortage: It's imminent, once the price goes up, we will see silver recycled from all the electronics that we use. Silver deposits in the ocean will be dug up to satisfy the consumption of silver that we use currently? China and India are witnessing an increase in standard of living.....that means more computers, TV's, etc. Thats an increase of consumption by 2-3 billion people. Not to mention that none of Silver is recycled like gold. again because of the price....