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Financial Advisor, GTA, Ontario, Canada
Investment, Insurance, Tax & Estate Planning

Monday, January 31, 2011

Feeling the Heat: Global Inflation

Consumer prices are moving unevenly across the world. Economic growth, supply and demand, currency values and a variety of other factors drive consumer prices up -- inflation -- or down -- deflation. Bars and figures show change from a year earlier in consumer price indexes. An Interactive analysis

Friday, January 28, 2011

Chris Martenson Interview With Jim Rogers: Why Inflation Is Raging Worldwide And He's Shorting US Treasury Bonds

"I see more inflation and more currency turmoil as we go forward. There are huge debt imbalances in the world. U.S. is the largest debtor nation in the world and all the assets are in Asia. The largest creditors in the world are China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore – this is where the assets are and the debts are in the West. Those imbalances have to be resolved. They frequently lead to more currency turmoil. We’ll see more inflation, we’ll see more governments fall. We just saw Tunisia fall – more are coming because the world is going to continue to have these problems, and especially inflation that is going to cause more social unrest."
So said investing legend Jim Rogers when he spoke recently with ChrisMartenson.com about the inflationary pressures rising dramatically around the globe, despite some governments' best efforts to downplay them. Jim shares his "outside in" perspective on US monetary and fiscal policy, and how international players find themselves forced to react. He sees a lot of fundamental imbalances that need to be corrected for, as well as shortages of almost everything developing. In his words, "It's going to be a real mess before it's over."
In this podcast, Jim explains why: 
  • Inflation is ramping up worldwide, though many governments are trying to downplay the risk. In fact, the Fed is 'throwing gasoline on the fire' with its prodigious money printing.
  • Higher interest rates are inevitable, which will lead to a lower standard of living for everyone - except those who have recognized the risks and invested accordingly. 
  • Dangerous supply drawdowns are occurring across the commodity landscape (including oil). This will increase the upward pressure on prices.
  • Given a future of higher rates, as well as massive debt issuance, Jim thinks it's now time to short U.S. Treasuries
  • The world economy is more interconnected than ever. All the players need each other, raising the systemic risk posed if countries start defaulting (which Jim notes is a more common occurance than most people realize).
Listen to the podcast: http://media.chrismartenson.com/audio/jim-rogers-2011-01-22-final.mp3

SILVER EAGLE SHORTAGE? Mike Maloney & David Morgan In Las Vegas

Ron Paul "The Federal Reserve Is Responsible For The Inflation"

Thursday, January 27, 2011

High Frequency Trading - Explained

13 Reasons Why Gold Still Has Further to Go

Financial history teaches that market prices are not just subject to cyclical fluctuations — mainly following the business cycle. They are also liable to much longer lasting secular trends, often spanning 15 years, 20 years or longer. These secular cycles are visible in stocks, commodities, bonds and precious metals.
Take gold as an example … Gold experienced a secular bull market starting in the late 1960s and culminating in a spectacular high in 1980. What followed was a severe secular bear market lasting roughly 20 years. Then, around the turn of the millennium, another secular bull market got going.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The downsizing of America – Oil production off 1980s peak and manufactures learn creative methods of repackaging inflation.

There is a slow burn going on and it is happening in your wallet and also in the gas tank of your car. The US Treasury and Federal Reserve have made it their mission to slowly cut the value of each one of those green dollars you have. Since many Americans are struggling to make the monthly bills, many producers realize that they cannot up the price on regularly bought consumption products. Places like Target have long learned to add a large section of produce and perishables in their stores since people have shifted from buying wants (HDTVs) to needs (bread and butter). What is interesting though is how the big jump in commodity prices was hidden for consumer goods. You may have noticed this merely by your own observation but creative packaging has hidden a large part of this inflation.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The American Energy Spectrum

Interactive transparency: America's Energy, Where it's from & How it's used. 
With the full picture, the problems (wasted energy) & the potential solutions (more renewable energy) become more clear.  


Dr Doom's gloomy predictions: "The End Game has Begun"

Marc Faber's nickname is Dr Doom, and his investment letter is called the Gloom Boom Doom report. He sells advice about where to invest to wealthy people, companies and institutions. He is, in the lingo of the financial zoo, a bear. He's bearish about Europe and bearish about China, and he thinks that gold is one of the safest places to put your money. His latest report is titled "The End Game has Begun."

Monday, January 24, 2011

US- Failed Bank List (7 so far in 2011)

4 Banks failed this weekend on 21st Jan 2011..
Bank Closing Information - January 21, 2011 
These links contain useful information for the customers and vendors of these closed banks. 

  United Western Bank, Denver, CO
  The Bank of Asheville, Asheville, NC
  CommunitySouth Bank & Trust, Easley, SC
  Enterprise Banking Company, McDonough, GA 
For complete list (since 1st October 2000)

Nomura's Bob Janjuah on Bloomberg Television

Bob Janjuah was interviewed by Bloomberg TV's Erik Schatzker: Among the three key themes underlying his skeptical views are the following:
i) Asia slow down (hard or soft) which will have implications on US markets;
ii) Is Europe closer to the endgame; and
iii) the US recovery
Janjuah believes that a reallocation out of Emerging Markets and into Developed Markets makes sense (time for reverse reverse decoupling already?). "I think we are going to have a deeper and harder slowdown in Asia, I think the European situation is closer to the endgame, my biggest doubt is on the US recovery...I think in Q2 and Q3 the grow slowly weakens, and much like last year we are going to be looking for QE3, and my concern is that the hurdle rate for further policy, fiscal and monetary, is much much higher."
"The Euro will either be the next reserve currency... or it won't." His personal view: "I am more optimistic today than I was two months ago."
Everyone seems to have awoken and realized that the only reason the stock market is where it is is due to the Fed's intervention in capital markets, Bob says that absent QE2, the S&P would have ended 2010 "closer to 1,000 than 1,200." 
In terms of biggest risks, Janjuah says the 
i) "melt up" is the biggest risk, becase "we are building a bubble"; 
ii) jobs in the US are number two (one more month... just one more month we promise and we will have jobs growth... ignore all the other 18 consecutive months this has been said before), and 
iii) is the bond bull market over - when do rising bond yields negate and reverse the "Tepper" trade?

Much more in the full interview.

David Morgan Interviews Eric Sprott

Friday, January 21, 2011

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms

Former LA Mayor Richard Riordan on Schwarzenegger, Unions, and Bankrupt cities

"Throughout the country (US), 90 percent of cities and states are going bankrupt within the next five years, many sooner." Former L.A. Mayor Riordan.

12 Economic Collapse Scenarios That We Could Potentially See In 2011

What could cause an economic collapse in 2011? Well, unfortunately there are quite a few "nightmare scenarios" that could plunge the entire globe into another massive financial crisis.  The United States, Japan and most of the nations in Europe are absolutely drowning in debt.  The Federal Reserve continues to play reckless games with the U.S. dollar.  The price of oil is skyrocketing and the global price of food just hit a new record high.  Food riots are already breaking out all over the world.  Meanwhile, the rampant fraud and corruption going on in world financial markets is starting to be exposed and the whole house of cards could come crashing down at any time.  Most Americans have no idea that a horrific economic collapse could happen at literally any time.  There is no way that all of this debt and all of this financial corruption is sustainable.  At some point we are going to reach a moment of "total system failure".
So will it be soon?  Let's hope not.  Let's certainly hope that it does not happen in 2011.  Many of us need more time to prepare.  Most of our families and friends need more time to prepare.  Once this thing implodes there isn't going to be an opportunity to have a "do over".  We simply will not be able to put the toothpaste back into the tube again.
So we all better be getting prepared for hard times.  The following are 12 economic collapse scenarios that we could potentially see in 2011....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

“The above chart shows the current unemployment rates for 36 countries.  You might think that most countries around the world have unemployment rates as high as ours here in the US at 9.4%.  But the reality is that the US ranks pretty poorly compared to the rest of the world.  The Eurozone is at similar levels to the US, but when most of the countries that have a higher unemployment rate than the US are collectively referred to as PIGS, it's not very encouraging.”

Source: http://www.bespokeinvest.com/thinkbig/2011/1/14/global-unemployment-rates.html

Jim Rogers: Easy to blame the Chinese for America's problems

As Washington prepares to roll out the red carpet for Chinese President Hu Jintao's state visit, the stakes could not be higher but what will come out of these discussions? Investor and Author Jim rogers, says very little will come from the meetings, maybe China opens its currency a bit more and the US will get rid of some debt but not much else.


This video was first published in April 2008: facts do not change..

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Europe’s financial contagion

Greece sneezed, and now most of Europe has a cold. The European debt crisis has already spread like a virus from Greece to Ireland, and other countries are now at risk: Portugal, Spain, and Italy are probable candidates for financial problems. Economists call this the “contagion effect.” How does this spread? Some of it has to do with confidence. When investors see one country encounter financial problems, they may doubt the health of other countries that seem to share economic or even political characteristics.
Contagion also has much to do with actual economic links among countries. Researchers have identified financial ties in particular as responsible for the “fast and furious” spread of crisis from one country to another. Trading activity between countries, however, can propagate economic sickness more slowly.

Food Riots 2011

The stunningly violent food riots in Tunisia and Algeria show just how quickly things can change.  Just a few months ago, these two northern Africa nations were considered to be very stable, very peaceful and without any major problems.  But now protesters are openly squaring off with police in the streets.  Many of the protesters are throwing "fire bombs" or are shooting fireworks at the authorities, and the police are responding with a tremendous amount of violence themselves.  In Algeria, several protesters have been killed by police and several others have actually set themselves on fire to protest the economic conditions.  In Tunisia, more than 100 people have been killed and the president of that country actually had to flee for his life.  But on a global scale, food shortages have not even gotten that bad yet.  Yes, food prices are starting to go up and food supplies are a little bit tighter right now, but much worse times than these are coming.  So what in the world are the cities of the world going to look like when we have a very serious food shortage?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Not Only Commodities are Signaling Hyperinflation

The rise in commodity prices over the past several months has been unrelenting.  Equally unrelenting has been the stream of central bank apologists aiming to re-direct the blame for soaring prices to almost everything imaginable except the real cause, which of course is unrestrained money printing.
The S&P Index and other stock indices like the Dow Jones Industrial Average are not rising because of better economic conditions or an improved outlook for economic activity.  Stock prices are rising because of money printing, just like they did in the early days of the hyperinflations in Weimar Germany, Argentina, Zimbabwe and every other country ravaged by misguided government and central bank policies.
Here is a chart that shows rising prices that cannot be blamed on bad weather, failed crops, global warming, a new ice age or sunspots.  This chart of the S&P 500 Index shows a near perfect correlation to the Federal Reserve’s money printing, a/k/a “quantitative easing”.

Fort Knox is EMPTY

Bill Murphy, of GATA: The scams that the central banks have been perpetrating to rig gold markets and make the USD seem more valuable than it really is. The FED refuses to be audited, if they were....the game would probably be up. Large Central Banks and investment banks have held VERY large SHORT positions in gold keeping the prices down and manipulating them whenever it gets to high.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

9 US States already working to Return to Gold and Silver Currency

To date Virginia, Utah, Georgia, Indiana, South Carolina, Washington, Missouri, Colorado & Idaho are working to return to the Constitutional Gold and Silver Currency. Holding silver when this happens throughout the world will cause an explosion in the price and a huge short squeeze on the physical silver market. 

Don't Buy Government Bonds

Chapter 17, Out of Step (1967) (Must listen/ or read)
Audio MP3 Link:
Web Link:

Nigel Farage: Euro Empire Collapsing, Bailout River Dry

As we have been highlighting for quite a while, the 5th member of the PIIGS, Italy, has emerged very much unscathed so far from the European sovereign debt fiasco. Is that merited? Not according to famous euroskeptic Nigel Farage, who gives another unvarnished, and uncensored interview with RT, in which he lays out his reasons for why a plunge in Italy bonds has at best been delayed.

Until recently, Italy had been largely shielded from the sovereign debt turmoil, despite its adverse starting position — it entered the crisis with the highest general government (gross and net) debt-to-GDP ratio in the EA — and its historically poor performance during past episodes of heightened risk aversion.

In our view, relatively tight fiscal policy through the crisis (Italy hardly engaged in any fiscal stimulus) and relatively favourable private sector gross debt, net debt and financial net worth positions make for a much lower degree of overall (public plus private) gross and net indebtedness than in the rest of the EA periphery. Indeed, private plus public gross debt as a percentage of GDP ratios are similar to the levels in France or Germany. A high private saving rate and small general government deficit supported a smaller current account deficit than in the rest of the EA periphery and Italy has a comparatively sound domestic banking system, despite rather low capital ratios. A fairly large domestic investor base, reflecting large levels of private financial wealth, is also likely to make the total investor base somewhat more stable than in countries with high levels of foreign ownership of sovereign debt, such as Portugal and Greece.

However, like Portugal and Greece, Italy suffers from some longstanding structural weaknesses that depress its potential growth. Poor productivity growth and adverse demographic trends will continue to weigh on its trend growth rate, which we estimate to be just below 1% per annum. Moreover, the gross general government debt-to-GDP ratio should remain the second largest in the eurozone (after Greece) for the next few years, and it will most likely continue to edge up in the near term, likely exceeding 120% of GDP in 2011.

Gross refinancing needs should thus stay high and increase the vulnerability of Italy both to funding and liquidity crises and to self-justifying solvency crises should sovereign risk premia rise substantially.

A continuation of the fairly conservative fiscal stance of the Italian government should provide some reassurance to markets about the long-term sustainability of the Italian debt. A major political crisis, however, would constitute a downside risk and could provoke tensions in the market for Italian sovereign debt. In any case, general government debt ratios anywhere near the current Italian level would constitute a source of vulnerability to roll-over crises and ‘sudden stops’.

At this stage, we consider it unlikely that Italy will require access to the EU facilities. Should it do so, it is clear that the current size of the EFSF would be insufficient to satisfy Italy’s funding needs. It would then once again be the ECB that would need to be called upon to stave off sovereign default.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Silver $50 in 2011 says John Embry

The SEC and the CFTC are part of the Plunge Protection Team. They are not going to actually do anything that hurts the perceived value of the dollar. HSBC and JPM will be exempt from any rules.
Gold to touch $2000, Silver to hit $50 in 2011: John Embry of Sprott Asset Management.

Gold Likely To Surpass $1,650 This Year

Spot Gold prices will rise to at least $1,650 in 2011, believes Juerg Kiener, CEO at Swiss Asia Capital. He explains his bullish outlook to guest host Tai Hui of Standard Chartered Bank, CNBC's Martin Soong & Sri Jegarajah.
Not only that but because of the manipulation in the paper market prices have been so low that industrial users have not bothered to recycle silver. Instead it has ended up in scrap heaps where it can no longer be used. Even at current mining rates all silver will be above ground within the next decade. That's a recipe for a price explosion.

Cash or Gold Bullion?

This is an excellent must see short video about Gold. It shows how gold has retained value throughout history and is an attractive alternative to cash today. Legendary investors, central banks and the astute are buying gold today. It shows gold is an important safe haven asset and an essential investment and saving diversification in these uncertain times. The video was commissioned by GoldCore, the internationally respected investment specialist. Watch it now and rating only takes a moment but helps massively.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gerald Celente: Internet nuke bomb waiting to go off

Gerald Celente, the founder of the Trends Research Institute, believes that the Internet will empower the youth of the world to unite to start a revolution that will overthrow the existing deadlocked elitist establishment. He predicts that in 2011 every citizen is going to realize that the Great Recession the world has been living through is actually a Great Depression, because the American establishment is "running out of schemes.
Problems of humanity:

1.Anglosaxonic Criminal Bretton-Woods System, which blocks development of "uncomfortable" for US terrorists, countries

2. Interest rate

3. Federal Reserve and controlled central banks

4. One reserve currency based on nothing, dollar financial pyramid

5. "International democratic HR institutes" controlled by Soros US scum

6. American propaganda (Holyshitwood, media, games, "education")

7. American terrorist organizations, US "army"

8. Americans (ignorance, superiority complex), Celente knows what he's talking about. It's already happening with cops pulling you over when going 2 miles over speed limit. Parking meters way up high and rigged to make sure you end up with a ticket. It’s the little people who end up footing the bill, and look at college costs with no decent job opportunities for graduates.

"Not Owning Gold Is A Form Of Insanity And May Even Show Unhealthy Masochistic Tendencies"

Cazenove Capital's technical strategist Robin Griffiths says: "I think not owning gold is a form of insanity, it may even show unhealthy masochistic tendencies, which might need medical attention. Real assets hedge paper money being printed into oblivion, so you've got to own gold and you've got to own other commodity-related investments still. Gold is far from being an over-owned trade at the moment, far, far from it. Although it's been a top performer for each of the last ten years, it's still in a linear trend. Eventually it will go exponential and make more in the last little bit than the whole of the ten year trend." That pretty much covers it.

Must watch video link: http://www.cnbc.com/id/40997445

Billionaire Stampede Into Gold & Silver Has Begun

Billionaires started Rushing into The Gold Bull Market according to Gold and Silver expert Mike Maloney. The gold and silver markets are tiny compared to stocks and bonds. Be ready for huge movements in price as more and more large investors sell their paper assets and join this rally, the greatest gold and silver bull market in history.
These ultra rich are like falling dominoes now, we are hearing of more of them going hard into precious metals. Talk about gate crashers coming late to the party! Seems like the Global Financial System is about to figuratively....explode?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Virginia: In Case Of Terminal Federal Reserve "Breakdown", Considers Gold As Option

"Virginia Creates Subcommittee To Study Monetary Alternatives In Case Of Terminal Fed "Breakdown", Considers Gold As Option"
In what may one day be heralded as the formal proposal that proverbially started it all, the Commonwealth of Virginia introduced House Resolution No. 557 to establish a joint subcommittee to "to study whether the Commonwealth should adopt a currency to serve as an alternative to the currency distributed by the Federal Reserve System in the event of a major  breakdown of the Federal Reserve System." In other words, Virginia will study the fallback plan of a "timely adoption of an alternative sound currency that the Commonwealth's government and citizens may employ without delay in the event of the destruction of the Federal Reserve System's currency" and avoid or "at least mitigate many of the economic, social, and political shocks to be expected to arise from hyperinflation, depression, or other economic calamity related to the breakdown of the Federal Reserve System." Most importantly as pertain to the currency in question, "Americans may employ whatever currency they choose to stipulate as the medium for payment of their private debts, including gold or silver, or both, to the exclusion of a currency not redeemable in gold or silver that Congress may have designated 'legal tender'." Whether this resolution will ever get off the ground, and actually find that the world is at great risk should gold not be instituted as a backstop currency, is irrelevant. The mere fact that it is out there, should provide sufficient impetus to other states to consider the ultimate Plan B.
We urge all legislators to carefully read this resolution.

Niall Ferguson: Will Debt Trigger US Collapse?

The Harvard historian, Ferguson's main argument is that America's decline is (and will be) determined by the huge annual deficits and accumulated debt. Ferguson leaves out all the other reasons why America is on the ropes: political corruption, the overly powerful Finance sector, the sad state of our education, our soaring health care costs, our crumbling infrastructure, our oil dependency, and so on.

Mad Water: Dramatic video of flash floods raging in Australia

Australia's "Tulip Mania" About to Crash; 44% Jump in Property Listings Prove the Proposed Housing Shortage is Gargantuan Myth. For years we have been hearing about a housing shortage in Australia. The myth has been shattered by latest stats that show...  

When it comes to housing: Canada & Australia has a lot in common. Australia's events could be an eye-opener for Canadian home-buyers.

Marc Faber - What's coming next

Marc Faber, author of Gloom Boom and Doom Report, says many Western governments would eventually follow the US 'inevitable' default suit. Outspoken investor and writer Marc Faber doesnt give America much time before it goes bust.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Disconnect Between Paper And Physical Silver Market

For all who need another confirmation that the silver physical market is increasingly more illiquid, at least compared to its infinitely dilutable and utterly mangled paper cousin, here is PSLV manager Eric Sprott himself: "Frankly, we are concerned about the illiquidity in the physical silver market," said Eric Sprott, Chief Investment Officer of Sprott Asset Management. "We believe the delays involved in the delivery of physical silver to the Trust highlight the disconnect that exists between the paper and physical markets for silver." Curiously, this has occurred even as the US Mint reports that sales of silver in December was the lowest in 2010, at just 1,772,000 ounces. It is unclear if this number was this low due to an actual supply shortage at the mint. Perhaps the fact that 2,221,000 silver ounces were sold in just the first week of January, a number which if run-rated would be an absolutely all time monthly record, should provide some clarity on this issue.

TORONTOJan. 10 /CNW/ - Sprott Asset Management LP is pleased to provide investors with an update on the delivery status of silver bullion purchased by the Sprott Physical Silver Trust (NYSE ARCA: PSLV, TSX: PHS.U) ("Trust").

As of November 10, 2010, the Trust had contracted to purchase a total of 22,298,525 ounces of silver bullion. As of December 31, 2010 a total of 20,919,022 ounces of silver bullion had been delivered to the Trust. The Trust expects to take delivery of the final 1,379,503 ounces of silver bullion by January 12, 2011 and will subsequently publish the serial numbers of all bars held by the Trust on its website: www.sprottphysicalsilver.com.

A Century of Challenges

Silver & Gold - Random but Important Facts

When ten friends selected at random & were asked about the amount of Gold & Silver based on price differential: They assumed there was about 50 times MORE silver in the world than gold. They mentioned as "there is 5 to 10 times MORE gold than silver." 
Actually, there is about 5 to 10 times more gold for investors to buy than silver. This includes bullion coins and bars. Very few apparentlyknow this! This and much more needs to be known by all investors.

A Total Eclipse of the Economy

Martin A. Armstrong: A Total Eclipse of the Economy & Good Old Fashion US Witch-Hunt.

After a Witch Hunt capital flight out of the U.S. is unavoidable. Gold to $5000.00 by 2015

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Food inflation to limit Asia's growth: Silver more scarce than Gold

With agricultural commodities trading at multi-year highs, Aaron Smith, Managing Director at Superfund Financial, says food inflation will be a key risk in Asia this year. He tells CNBC's Emily Chan that this will be particularly problematic for countries such as the Philippines and Vietnam.
On Silver: It just went fro 20 to 30 in 4 months! By the end of 2011, Gold will be at minimum $1800 and Silver at $70.  I think personally $60 is conservative, as when the paper silver guys find there is no silver behind their paper, they will sell paper & buy real silver. It is looking more and more likely there is less silver in the world than previously thought and silver has many industrial uses, so it is also a consumed metal. Over time Silver will become more scarce than Gold.

Bank of China Gold & Silver

Most banks in Shanghai were selling Gold & Silver Bullion in their glass show cases.  Bank of China has been actively promoting gold and silver products for years. They have changed their marketing program slightly for gold and silver products. Silver & Gold Pandas can be purchased once again by special order but can no longer be purchased on-site at the bank. One thing is for certain, demand is sure there. Prices will only increase. We are just getting started in the greatest bull run for precious metals in history!

David Morgan: Federal reserve is the biggest Ponzi Scheme

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Brief History Of Silver Manipulation

A Brief History of Silver Manipulation
The silver fairy tale of the brothers Hunt
In the early 80’s the attempt of the Brothers Hunt, Nelson Bunker and William Herbert Hunt, to fully clamp down the silver market was one of the most spectacular but at  the same time also one of the most unsuccessful financials plans within the then fair world. Despite that the brothers failed in their attempt to clamp the silver market, they have succeeded to make a outright mess of the precious metals market and lose one of the largest fortunes in the world in no time.

The expansion of the Hunt Empire
Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt were born in one of the richest American families. Their father Haroldson Lafayette (also known as H.L. or Arizona Slim), had acquired a fortune during the 20s and the 30s in the Texan oil industry. By investing these oil revenues in successful companies, the Hunt family grew into one of the most prosperous families from all over America. When H.L. died in 1974, he left his next of kin therefore an immense capital. H.L. Hunt had 14 children at three different women, 6 with his legal wife, 4 from a bigamist marriage and another 4 at one of his mistresses. Bunker and Herbert were two full-fledged brothers, namely the second and the third son of H.L. Hunt and his first wife Lyda Bunker Hunt. When Bunker and Herbert just started to get a grip on the silver market the 70’s, their capital was estimated around 13 billion dollars. H.I. Hunt’s logical successor and next boss of the Hunt Empire was originally his eldest son Hassie. However, his plans were thwarted when the same Hassie during his twenties had to do to with psychiatric problems and underwent various treatments without success. H.L. therefore had no choice but to name his second son as successor to lead. In the beginning, however, Bunker showed not the gift of his father in order to locate new oil fields. Bunker lost in his early years millions of dollars by error self-rated and fruitless attempts to find new oil fields for the Hunt Empire Carlo. But once Bunker learned how to do it after a few year, he did it immediately with verve and with style. He found an immense Libyan oil field, Sarir Field, which turned out to be one of the largest oil fields in the world. The discovery of this oil field swept into a seesaw the losses which he had piled up in the previous years from the table. In the early 70’s, he and his brother Herbert took over the Empire forever on.

Silver times glimmer on the horizon
By mid 1970s Hunt developed systematically an obsession for silver. When he went looking for a source of stability in a world that was currently very unstable and subject to inflation was and influences was the fear of international communism, he came out on the magic word silver. He saw not only future in silver but he was also convinced that silver was undervalued and that the silver value could not otherwise than rise. Supported by the opinion of their financial advisors locks he joined the investment group Bache investment house and they put their first steps in the silver world. Middle 1970s the brothers Hunt dominated for almost 10% of the entire silver stock and their increasing impact on the silver market made sure that the silver prices within a few years of $ 2 per ounce increased to more than $ 6 per ounce. They invested not only their entire own capital in silver but they tried also others to convince others to do so. In this way, they found support with a group of Arabian investors who where able to buy huge volumes of silver with their endless supplies of money and propel the price of silver into the skies. The Hunts, backed up by the Arabs, increasingly got more influence in the silver market by which their holding grew out of proportion and which supplied them the means to loan more money and buy more silver and increase the price even more. And the plan seemed to be working! At the end of 1979, after years of price increases, the price for silver was 35$/ounce, a unseen price. Other investors where atracked by these price increases and also started to invest in silver what gave the price a even bigger boost. In the 80’s, the plan of the Hunt brothers seemed to have worked and the market was on his head. In less then a decade they where able to inflate the price from 2$ per ounce in the beginning of the 70’s to 50$ per ounce at the beginning of the 80’s. It even seemed realistic by then that silver would go to $200/$300.

Bloody Thursday
The end was near. The prices of silver stopped rising and started to go down. They weren’t able to attract enough funds anymore to influence the price and the price started to went down. The price of silver and gold started their seemingly endless drop because investors started to invest their money in bankcertificats for higher interests. Not only the value of the precious metals plummeted but also the fortune of the Hunts went up in smoke. The brother took on massive loans to fund their silver quest and couldn’t repay their debts anymore which they made with brokers like Bache, A.G. Edwards, Merrill Lynch en some others who had to be repaid when the silver market crashed. These brokers started to protect themselves against these drops and made fortunes when the silver went down. The Hunts were confronted by margin calls from their brokers to repay them in the next 5 days or there would be a liquidation.
And when a broker demanded $100 million dollars as payment, the largest margin call until then, and the Hunt couldn’t pay up it was the end for them.
In a last attempt to turn the tide, the Hunt brothers tried fabricate paper obligations backed by their 200 million ounces of silver. But in reality they tried to create a international curreny that would have a silver standard. The plan failed and even pushed down the silver price even more because silver by then was linked with the failure of the Hunts and their unstable situation. The price got to a all time low on march 27 1980, a date still known as Bloody Thursday.

Old habits die hard
The banks involved in this silver play actually got big thanks to this silver play in the 80’s and learned how to suppress the price of silver whenever it went up. It was just a routine game which they played over and over again. Supply/demand didn’t even matter in this play and the game attacked so many players that every big bank in America went along the game from the mid 80’s until now. This was simply one of the biggest money generator of all time and this game is much bigger then J.P. Morgan.
But like any other casino game : You need to quit while you’re still ahead. For them 2007 should have been a warning light but by then it was already to late to unload their silver derivatives.

US Federal Reserve Chairman predicts slow recovery

Friday, January 7, 2011

Nepal's precious metals traders say silver shortage is worst

Nepal Government to Resume Import of Gold

With the domestic bullion market reeling under the shortage of gold and silver, the Ministry of Commerce and Supplies has decided to resume the import of gold and silver within a week.
The ministry is holding a meeting with gold traders and dealers to discuss the modalities and other issues before finally allowing the guidelines sent by the Nepal Rastra Bank to be implemented.
The Nepal Rastra Bank had submitted the draft of the guidelines to the ministry, with some changes in the previous provision that allowed commercial banks to import 10 kilograms of gold per day on a rotation basis.
The domestic market faced a shortage of the both metals owing to the delay by the ministry in finalizing the guidelines, though the import ban was lifted by the government some weeks ago.
Currently, the demand for gold in the domestic market stands at 35 kilograms per day and that for silver at 200 kilograms per day.
According to gold traders, the demand for gold was being addressed partially by the gold illegally imported from India. But in the case of silver the situation is the worst, they said.

Silver will be worth more than Gold!: Adrian Douglas

Adrian Douglas is a member of the Board of Directors of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA). Douglas graduated from Cambridge University, England, in 1980. He worked for 20 years in the oil and gas industry. He is the founder of Market Force Analysis, investor service that uses a unique algorithm and methodology for analyzing commodity futures markets and in particular for identifying appropriate entry and exit points. He publishes the market letter of that name MarketForceAnalysis.com. 

George Soros Openly Discusses the coming New World Order

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Drutter's 2011 predictions

Ron Paul "We Cannot Raise The National Debt"

"We Cannot Raise The National Debt" January 03, 2011 News Corp
Ron Paul will be taught to our grandchildren in classrooms as an early 21st century patriot just as Thomas Jefferson is taught as a late 18th century patriot.
People who talk about medical savings accounts and tax deductions have no clue about people past retirement age, on fixed incomes. Apparently he is saying "heaven help us if doctors actually consult more with their patients." And this "death panels" business is crap. The real death panels are corporations denying benefits to people they should pay...

The American Dream

The AMERICAN DREAM is a 30 minute animated film that shows you how you've been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. Do you know how your money is created? Or how banking works? Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge? Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it affects you every single day? THE AMERICAN DREAM takes an entertaining but hard hitting look at how the problems we have today are nothing new, and why leaders throughout our history have warned us and fought against the current type of financial system we have in America today. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hyperinflation Will Drive GOLD to Unthinkable Heights

We now live in a world where governments print worthless pieces of paper to buy other worthless pieces of paper that combined with worthless derivatives, finance assets whose values are totally dependent on all these worthless debt instruments.  Thus most of these assets are also worth-less.
So the world financial system is a house of cards where each instrument’s false value is artificially supported by another instrument’s false value. The fuse of the world financial market time bomb has been lit.  There is no longer a question of IF it will happen but only WHEN and HOW.  The world lives in blissful ignorance of this. Stockmarkets remain strong and investors worldwide have piled into government bonds in a perceived flight to safety. Due to a century of money creation (and in particular since the 1970s) by governments and by the fractal banking system, investors believe that stocks, bonds and property can only go up. Understanding risk and sound investment principles has not been necessary in these casino markets with guaranteed payouts for anyone who plays the game. Maximum leverage and derivatives have in the last 10-15 years driven markets to unfathomable risk levels, with massive rewards for the participants.
In the meantime central banks are cranking up the printing presses but as Bernanke recently said quantitative easing is an “inappropriate” description of what should be called “securities purchases”!  Who is he kidding? What the Fed is buying has nothing to do with “securities”. There is no security whatsoever in the rubbish the Fed is purchasing. They are buying worthless pieces of paper with worthless pieces of paper. This is the Ponzi scheme of all Ponzi schemes.