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Financial Advisor, GTA, Ontario, Canada
Investment, Insurance, Tax & Estate Planning

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

“The above chart shows the current unemployment rates for 36 countries.  You might think that most countries around the world have unemployment rates as high as ours here in the US at 9.4%.  But the reality is that the US ranks pretty poorly compared to the rest of the world.  The Eurozone is at similar levels to the US, but when most of the countries that have a higher unemployment rate than the US are collectively referred to as PIGS, it's not very encouraging.”

Source: http://www.bespokeinvest.com/thinkbig/2011/1/14/global-unemployment-rates.html

Jim Rogers: Easy to blame the Chinese for America's problems

As Washington prepares to roll out the red carpet for Chinese President Hu Jintao's state visit, the stakes could not be higher but what will come out of these discussions? Investor and Author Jim rogers, says very little will come from the meetings, maybe China opens its currency a bit more and the US will get rid of some debt but not much else.


This video was first published in April 2008: facts do not change..