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Financial Advisor, GTA, Ontario, Canada
Investment, Insurance, Tax & Estate Planning

Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to Turn $20,633 into $770,796

I do find it very likely to double and perhaps even tripling its current value, within the next two years. Nevertheless, if it can sustain its current growth rate (roughly doubling anually) for the nex 5 years you would have your 1,000 dollar silver. And if the economic state of affairs remains relatively unchanged, silver may continue to break price ceilings set by investors: but for now, I'll only maintain my position that silver looks like it is almost guaranteed to double within the year (2011) and perhaps even triple. Below are two projections based on this theory...
10 Year Front Loaded:
 (30*2=60), (30*3=90), (30*4=120), (30*5=150) (30*6=180)... (Ending period 10 at 300)
5 Year Doubling Annually:
(30*2=60), (60*2= 120), (120*2=240),(240*2=480), (480*2=960)