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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Will Julian Assange Make Brian Moynihan (Or Another Bank CEO) Resign?

Will Julian Assange Make Bank of America CEO, Brian Moynihan (Or Another Bank CEO) Resign?
According to an advance preview of an interview with Julian Assange by the Times of London's Alexi Mostrous, the Wikileaks founder has announced that he has "enough material to make bosses of a major US bank resign." While this can be merely the latest step in the chess game between Wikileaks and Bank of America, with the former assumed to hold destructive material on the other, with the latter escalating last Friday and blocking all of Wikileaks payments, it may potentially hold some insight into just what material Assange has on either Brian Moynihan, or some other bank executive. That said, the plan likely has worked, and the entire (at least financial) world will be tuned in to see just what details the Times releases tomorrow, although it is likely safe to assume that nobody's hopes are very high: after all, many wonder just what Assange is waiting for to release his latest docket of banking data. We can only hope our skpeticism has taken the best of us this time...